How to Keep Your Home Cool in Summer Without Using AC

How to Keep Your Home Cool in Summer Without Using AC

Keeping cool in the summertime without an air conditioning system may seem impossible, but the truth of the matter is that it is actually really easy. Indeed, not using your AC will help you save money and it will help you save energy. Ultimately, you will be able to lower your carbon footprint, which can be incredibly damaging to the environment during the warm summer months. In fact, our air conditioners are one of the biggest culprits when it comes to global warming. This is why you want to find ways to cool down your home using natural methods. Indeed, you can make architectural adjustments to your home and you can make adjustments to your lifestyle. Moreover, you want to make sure there are no major energy leaks. Here is how to keep your home cool in the summer without using AC.

  1. Make sure that all of your energy leaks are sealed – a single energy leak can cause too much warm air to get inside and it can allow your cool indoor air to escape. In order to find energy leaks, you want to move your hand around your window frames to see if you feel any drafts. Typically, these drafts are better felt at night when the air is cooler.
  2. Make sure that you leave your windows open at night and closed during the day – this will allow you the opportunity to trap that cool night air inside. Indeed, the cool night air can be like a natural air conditioner. If you want to take advantage of this, you may want to keep all your windows open at night and then make sure to close them in the morning. Generally, you want to close the windows before the sun reaches its peak.
  3. Make sure that you have your fans running – fans can be an incredibly efficient way to move the air around your home. Of course, when you leave a room, you will want to turn off fans, but when you are currently occupying a room, a good ceiling fan can offer a lot of relief.
  4. Make sure to plant shade providing trees – indeed, shade-providing trees will offer a lot of relief from the harsh summer sun. When you choose trees, though, you want to make sure they are deciduous, because you want the sun to come through the trees in the winter. There is also the option of planting vines, which will also add a sense of relief from the heat. Before you plant any flora, you may want to speak with someone from a nursery or landscape company.
  5. Make sure to install architectural louvers – these architectural details serve almost like awnings and can cut down the amount of direct sunlight, which causes the most warmth. Moreover, louvers can offer a stylish addition to the exterior of your home. In the end, many exterior methods to shade your home can decrease your curb appeal, but louvers can often add to your curb appeal, which may even add to the value of your property.


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