Notes, study materials, reference books, etc., are some terms that a student can closely relate to. And the reason is simple; these elements work as an asset in every student’s life and help them in facing exam challenges and overcoming them. Right? Well, the word notes need no introduction and explanation. This is something that can encourage a student to walk in the right direction or we can say, the notes guide them to follow the right path. Maybe this is why teachers often focus on this term, no matter which exam it is.

There are many examinations; some are government, some are school and college level, and some are the famous competitive examinations. And one such exam is GATE. In this article, we will learn about GATE and its famous disciplines like CSE, EC and more. Well. Are you a GATE student? Do you belong to one of the most popular streams of GATE, i.e. computer science? If yes, then this article is for you. If you want to clear your doubts and want to discover the most important ingredients that can help you in your GATE journey, let us tell you that the ingredients are proper notes and study material. GATE CSE holds many topics like coding, algorithms, array, database, control statements in C, C programming, software languages and more.

Well, learning about the syllabus is not enough. But you need to choose the genuine syllabus and study material to get success in the exam. Students often make wrong decisions when it comes to selecting the study material.  In this article, we will discuss the mistakes candidates make while preparing for such a big examination.

Mistakes You Need to Avoid While Choosing the Notes for GATE Exam

  • The first and the most common mistake students often make is choosing the wrong book. In many cases, candidates buy books without having any idea and discussing with the seniors or teachers. They put together their thoughts and start buying books. Books can be your best companion if you choose them wisely. After all, the books will give you in-depth knowledge of the particular topic so it should be original, and the data in them should be accurate. Wrong books can ruin your GATE preparation journey; so choose your book carefully and ask your teachers first.
  • Don’t buy books because your friend is referring to the same book. Buy that book with good reviews, and your mentors are saying yes to it. During the anxious time of examination, students often get influenced by other students and make this mistake.
  • If you want to dive deep into a topic, then you can learn separate books for that particular topic. There are many topics related to books available on the internet. Students try to grab the knowledge from a single platform. But it will not help you every time. Sometimes you need to go for a separate book just to learn a single topic.
  • At times, students focus only on books and forget about the major part, and it is previous question papers. There are many books available in the market that take you to the GATE previous years’ papers. It is recommended to spend time with those books to boost your revision activity and performance.

So, these are some mistakes that students need to avoid when it comes to purchasing a book or GATE notes for CSE. Remember students, GATE is one of the most prestigious examinations in India, and you need to focus on each and every small detail to crack it.

Make a wise decision GATE aspirants and best of luck.